spider alp peel

More about Spider Alp Peel

"A spider web gathered together is enough to catch a lion" - African proverb. Spider web contains 10,539 various types of protein. It is the strongest natural fiber known to men and even has the same thickness of steel wire. Spider web is as tough as nylon and about twice as strong as silk.

Spider Alp peel contains amino acids from spider webs. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. If your body lacks amino acids, you cannot produce proteins.

Functions of amino acids include:

- support of the immune system without side effects

- blood glucose regulation

- moisture retention

- whitening

- support of skin vitality

- nourishment

- support and restoration of elasticity

- collagen creation

Spider peel contains natural fruit acids created by extracting from raw materials that can be obtained in nature -sugar maple extract, lemon and orange extracts, sugarcane extract, vaccinium myrtillus fruit extract. They have exfoliating, softening, moisturizing, pore-tightening and anti-wrinkle and anti-aging benefits.

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