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       .....   $165  ..   3/$450  ..   6/$870      BOOK

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The Elaine Brennan Get Glowing Micro-peel is designed to refine skin texture damaged by environmental factors and skin conditions such as acne. The procedure assists in smoothing fine lines and evening out skin discoloration. It improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of acne scars and environmental damage to the skin. With each additional Micro-Peel procedure, you will notice incremental improvements in the overall appearance of the skin. This is a mild peeling which will lightly exfoliate the skin leaving it refreshed and soft. 

For the best possible outcome 4-6 peels every 2-4 weeks are recommended.

        .....   $95  ..   3/$255  ..   buy 5 get 1 free/$475      BOOK

Out with the Old, in with New Vibrant Skin

Achieve fast results with virtually no down time. A simple yet innovative chemical peel procedure. The action of chemical peeling is not only to slough away outer skin imperfections. Peeling guides and forces DNA repairing alpine rose stem cells and other actives deep into the epidermis maximizing and optimizing full skin repairing potential. Treatment takes full advantage of the powerful bio-available anti-aging actives in the formulas. The pre-peel booster and post-peel neutralizer are concentrated with herbs and botanicals.

Peel Prep Resurface Booster - infused with Certified Organic Botanicals and rich with Panthenol, Beta Glucan, Sugar Cane Extract, Licorice Root Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Aloe, Arginine, and Lemon Extract.

Alp Rose Stem Cells 40% Glycolic Peel - infused with Alp Rose Stem Cells and Certified Organic Botanicals transforms your skin enabling a quick and direct penetration of stem cells directly into the epidermis, leaving a smoother vibrant youthful appearance. Peel stimulates collagen production plumping and melting away fine lines, wrinkles and surface unevenness. Further enriched with Panthenol, Licorice Root, Calendula, St. John's Wort, Beta Glucan, Green Tea, Arginine, Shiitake Mushroom, and other cell repairing Amino Acids.

Post Peel Neutralizing Elixir - Infused with certified Organic Botanicals and rich with Licorice Root Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Aloe, Passion Flower Extract and Boswellia Serrata Gum.

For the best possible outcome, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels spaced 1-2 weeks apart

       .....    $95  ..   3/$255  ..   buy 5 get 1 free/$475       BOOK

Empower your skin to thrive, glow and defy chronological aging! Proven advanced combined bio-active ingredient technology; Retinol, Snow Algae, and stable Vitamin C, effectively work to firm skin, stimulate collagen regeneration, resurface, and enhances cellular immunity. This enables the skin to resist environmental damage and premature skin aging. The designer botanical peel restores the skin’s barrier, promotes cell longevity, and boosts cell turnover. The trifecta peeling action of Lactic, Glycolic, and 25% Multi-Fruit Acids (MFAs) successfully deliver a brighter toned complexion and smoother younger-looking skin. Snow Algae, also called "watermelon snow", stimulates the longevity gene and slows down the aging process of skin cells!

Snow Algae Skin Benefit: • Protects and activates longevity factors in skin cells • Rejuvenates and protects skin at cellular level • Safeguards skin's youthfulness by activating Klotho • Strengthens cellular defense mechanisms through calorie restriction mimetic activity • Reinforces, smoothes, and hydrates the skin Great for aging skin and skin needing brightening and lightening.

For the best possible outcome, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels spaced 1-2 weeks apart

LACTIC PEEL   .....   $65        BOOK

(consultation and first skin treatment required)

Lactic acid peel is the gentler peel of the pack that works just as effectively to give your skin a major glow-up even on its dullest day. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is essentially sour milk used to produce smooth skin and balance your skin’s PH level. Lactic acid has a larger molecular structure, this means that it is not able to penetrate as deeply into the layers of the skin. It lightly exfoliates by dissolving dead skin cells and has been used by ancient Egyptians for centuries to improve the overall aesthetic of skin. 

Despite the name, your skin doesn’t noticeably “peel” off. What is noticeable, though, are the effects underneath the removed epidermis: smoother and brighter skin.

Lactic acid is specifically used to treat hyperpigmentation, age spots, and other factors that contribute to a dull and uneven complexion. Other benefits of lactic acid include improved skin tone and reduced pore appearance.

Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin, causing the skin to replace itself with newly rejuvenated skin. This helps to increase collagen production, which smooths fine lines and minimizes pore size for more youthful-looking skin.

It also has amazing hydrating benefits, it strengthens the skin’s natural moisture factor, which makes this a great peel for normal to dry skin and it will leave your skin feeling cushion-soft and moisturized.

It can also even skin tone and fade discolorations since the peel is shedding the top dead layer of skin, so it's great for anyone looking to even tone.

After several treatments, it can improve the look of fine lines, wrinkles, and even out the appearance of your skin tone.

For the best possible outcome, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels spaced 2 weeks apart

GLYCOLIC PEEL   .....   $65        BOOK

(consultation and first skin treatment required)

Glycolic acid is an AHA, which is short for alpha-hydroxy acid, and it's made from sugarcane. 

Glycolic peel is a non-invasive treatment that removes the upper layers of dead and damaged skin and encourages skin cell regeneration. This type of peel provides gentle treatment for fine lines, acne, chronic dry skin, and uneven pigmentation.

Glycolic acid has the smallest molecular structure of all safe-for-skin acids, which gives it the ability to travel deep into the layers of the skin and penetrate so deeply and exfoliate so thoroughly. Glycolic acid dissolves excess sebum and dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin. 

Glycolic acid peels can help to shrink the appearance of pores. Pores appear enlarged when they are clogged with dirt and bacteria, resulting in blackheads. During a glycolic acid peel, chemicals seep into the epidermis and remove the dead skin cells on the surface. The dirt and bacteria that can clog pores is loosened, which makes the pores look smaller.

Glycolic acid peels are often used to treat acne and acne scars. By delivering a stronger dose of glycolic acid the peel targets problem areas and removes layers of breakout-causing dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells from your face and neck. The result is a brighter, more even complexion.

The benefits of undergoing a glycolic peel seem endless. It stimulates natural collagen production (fights signs of aging), and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time. It penetrates deeply into the skin to reform texture and dullness. It leaves our skin looking refreshed, bright, and refined. Dullness is banished.

For the best possible outcome, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels spaced 2 weeks apart

SALICYLIC PEEL   .....   $65        BOOK

(consultation and first skin treatment required) 

Salicylic acid peels are treatments used to deeply exfoliate the surface layers of the skin. Salicylic acid breaks the bonds that hold the skin's cells together, causing them to shed away or peel. As the skin regenerates, it is rejuvenated. Compared to other types of chemical peels, salicylic acid gives a gentle exfoliating action.

Salicylic acid works by dissolving dead skin cells that clog pores and reducing redness and inflammation to minimize the size of breakouts. Because it makes dead skin cells enemy number one, it's helpful for dandruff (and calluses and warts). 

It's also a great allover exfoliator, sloughing away the top layer of skin to reveal a brighter, fresher, softer complexion. 

Salicylic acid peels are particularly helpful for treating acne and blackheads. Salicylic acid is a strong comedolytic, which means it helps unclog pores. It also helps decreases the amount of oil on the skin. Regular salicylic acid peels can help improve both inflammatory acne and comedonal acne.

Immediately following a salicylic acid peel, you'll notice your skin feels softer and smoother. Salicylic acid peels can brighten your complexion. They also will give your skin a better texture and make large pores look smaller.

Salicylic acid peels are also used as anti-aging peels. While they can't erase deep lines and wrinkles, they can soften fine lines and give your complexion a boost. It is especially good at treating sun damage too.

A series of salicylic acid peel treatments can fade dark spots and discolorations like melasma, freckles, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (the discoloration that is left behind after a pimple heals).

For the best possible outcome, we recommend a series of 4-6 peels spaced 4 weeks apart

TCA PEEL   .....   $80        BOOK

(consultation and first skin treatment required) 

Reduces brown spots and age spots, improves the texture of leathery, sun damaged skin, improves melasma, treats some types of acne, reduces fine lines. 

Proper home skin care is highly recommended!

PIGMENTATION SESSION:  .....   $650       BOOK

Contains of 6 treatments (12-14 weeks) including enzyme treatments, glycolic, lactic, and TCA peels. First home skin care kit is included. (8 products). Over $75 in savings

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